Celebrate Your Story
About 6 months ago I ran this crazy idea by my wife and her immediate response was “WHAT? Why?”
You’re Not Alone
I feel like there’s someone who needs to hear it.
Top 10s of 2019
Here are some of Todd’s favorites from 2019! Books, Movies, Music, more!
I Wish They Knew…
When I wrote Kids Deserve It, I didn’t expect the chapter “I Wish You Knew” to resonate as deeply as it did with so many people. Since publishing that book…
When It’s All Too Much
There are just some of those days when “overwhelming” doesn’t even begin to describe how we feel.
Administrators Deserve…
The previous post I shared about how teachers deserve to have administrators who fight for them. But you know what? Administrators deserve the same thing.
Teachers Deserve…
Teachers deserve to have administrators who will fight for them.
Grace When We Fall
I (Joshua) am in my seventh year in educational administration, one of the many responsibilities I have is to work with student discipline. When I began my journey as an…
Always Learning
In every presentation I do I always tell other educators, “how dare we walk into our schools every day and tell our students to learn, if we aren’t continuing our…
Please Stop Hosting School Events with the words “Mom” or “Dad” #InclusivityMatters
For some of my childhood I grew up in a stereotypical two parent home. I had a father who worked in the oil field and a mother who stayed home…
Safe & Fun Messaging App for Kids
We live in a day and age where the safety of our children online is a top priority. Whether we’re thinking about that in terms of our students or our…
Turning the Page
It still doesn’t feel real. That’s the honest truth. Last week I announced that after I finish this school year I will be taking a brand new position. I will…