Week Thirteen – Dec 3-7, 2012
Wow, talk about exhausted! So after attending the Ron Clark Academy the week before (you can check out more about my trip at http://ninjaroadtrip.blogspot.com) there were quite a few things…
Week Twelve – Nov 26-30, 2012
Another great week! We spent class time Monday working with my studnets on their new iPhone 4’s. It’s surprising to me the lack of knowledge there is with this device…
Week Eleven – Nov 12-16, 2012
This week was probably our best week by far! My team and I decided to try a new schedule. I teach 3 fifth grade math classes. Instead of having a…
Week Ten – Nov 5-Nov 9, 2012
Another good week! There are still so many holes in my student’s education that I’m having to spend A LOT of time on remedial math 🙁 Monday was more or…
Week Nine – Oct 29-Nov 2, 2012
Another fun week! Monday we had another “house cleaning” day. We went over the CBA from Thursday, did new vocabulary cards, and worked on FastMath (a program that helps students…
Week Eight – Oct 22-26, 2012
This week was interesting…. We did a really neat lesson with cheese balls. I bought three HUGE containers of cheese balls (one for each class), and we split the cheese…
Week Seven – Oct 15 – 19, 2012
This week was awesome!! On Monday we completed the prime/composite project we had begun from the week before. Then I had forgotten that I had to be out of town…
Week Six – Oct 8 – 12, 2012
I’ve officially made it through Six Weeks of Flipping! Woo Hoo! Monday Today we took our state’s MSTAR test to test algebra readiness. We’ll take it again in May, but…
Week Five – October 1-5, 2012
This week was a little frustrating… Monday So I got this idea from another teacher in my district to have the students work in groups to create their own board…
Week Four – Sept 24-28, 2012
Another amazing week of Flipped Class….here goes the run down! Monday I called this day our “House Cleaning” day. The kids answered a poll on Edmodo about what they thought…
Week Three – Sept 17-21, 2012
Another amazing week of Flipped Class. I really am having the time of my life. Monday Monday was our “Housekeeping” day. The students filled out their weekly “Flipped Class Survey”…
Week Two – Sept 10-14, 2012
I can’t express enough how much I am enjoying this “new” model of teaching. I am getting to do things with my students that I have only dreamed of doing…