“I Am a Champion and You’re Gonna Hear Me Roar”
Been wanting to blog about this for a little over a week now, and the inspiration just hit me today so here goes. image courtesy of mathieujang.com One of my…
Week One – What a Whirlwind!
Week one of another school year is down in the books! Whew, to say I’m exhausted is an UNDERSTATEMENT! I’ll try to get all my thoughts down…. We started school…
My 7 Favorite Tech Tools for My Class
So many of my Tweeps have been sharing some of their favorite tech tools that they use in their classroom so I figure I might as well too! In no…
Gone Without Goodbye
This post is probably going to be the most personal post I’ve written. But for me sharing through writing is cathartic so I need to write this out. This past…
Don’t Miss Your Opportunity
If there’s one thing I’ve learned being a teacher and working with kids, it’s that building relationships should be your number one priority. And I think this mainfest by Angela…
Hurting People Hurt Others
image from washingtonmonthly.com When I was in college I remember hearing one sentence during a sermon, that totally changed the way I viewed people. That sentence was, “hurting people, hurt…
Learning from Those Who Inspire
A little over a month ago a few friends and I started a brand new endeavor. For months now we’ve been in love with amazing podcasts that we listen to…
My First Year on Twitter
Has it really been just over a year since I joined Twitter?? Wow how time flies. And this past year has by far been the most exhilarating and enlightening year…
Camp Tejas 2013 – “The Main Thing”
A few of my Waller Kiddos I’ve just spent the last 5 days at a children’s camp in Giddings, Texas called Camp Tejas! This was my 14th year to attend,…
You Hold the Power
Music is a powerful tool. I’ve always been a huge music fan, so much so, that for a while I wanted to be a radio DJ. I love every kind…
Does My Voice Matter?
I’ve been toying with this blog post for a while, trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to say. One thing that keeps coming to my own personal thoughts…
What’s Your Passion?
So this post has been mulling in my brain a lot lately. This summer I’ve already been able to attend two amazing conferences, iPadPalooza and ISTE. At both those conferences…