Math Fair 2014
We’ll it’s official, we just completed our Second Annual Math Fair! I couldn’t be more proud. Many of you who have been following me for a while know that I…
Here’s Your Chance to Join @ClassroomChamps and Connect with Top Athletes
A little over a year ago, my students and I were introduced to a little program called Classroom Champions. Through Skype in the Classroom we got the opportunity to talk…
Fun Brain Breaks with @GoNoodle
Recently I heard about the website GoNoodle. We know that sometimes class can lull or we need to just break up our day, and what better way to do that…
10 stations, TONS of FUN!
I love teaching and have had fun making these great projects and doing these amazing things with kids. But in all the hustle and bustle in the name of “learning”…
Math PBL, Benchmark, and Results
The past few weeks we’ve been gearing up to take our Spring Math Benchmark. Being in a classroom that doesn’t use class time to teach test formatted questions and being…
Cracks Left Behind
When I was in High School I ran for Student Council. Both my freshman and sophomore year I ran and got elected to be a representative. My mom helped me…
My New Favorite Tool – @SoundGecko (Guest post by @TechNinjaStacey)
***** Stacey Huffine is a good friend of mine and a fellow ninja. Though she doesn’t view herself as someone who blogs, she found this AWESOME tool called “Sound Gecko”…
Learning, Connecting, and Growing at #TCEA14
This week I got to spend some time at the annual TCEA Conference. TCEA is the Texas Computer Education Association, the largest technology conference in the nation outside of ISTE…
When You Choose to Dream Big
I’m a teacher. I teach my students math. But I also feel it’s my job to teach them so much more than that. In the past year I’ve had to…
Learning with @30Hands
So recently I learned about this great free app called 30 Hands. Essentially what it does is that it allows you to import images into the app and then the…
Connecting w/My Students via “Guys’ Lunch”
I believe in the power of connection. I believe in the impact one adult can make. In my own life, I’ve seen how much someone spending time with you can…
How Big Is Your Brave?
I’ve always been extremely passionate about getting to know my students on a deeper level. But more than that I’ve kind of made it my mission as a teacher to…