#YouMatter Panel at #ISTE2014 w/ @techbradwaid @angelamaiers @techminock @stevemesler and ME!
**this post was co-written with Drew Minock.If you’ve been a connected educator for very long you’ve probably heard of the #YouMatter movement. The movement was founded by Angela Maiers and…
This is just the beginning for @NavasotaInt….
The past week has been a whirlwind. Last Sunday evening I left with about 15 of my new staff members on a 4 day trip to Corpus to learn about…
Summer Learning Series
This summer I wanted to find a great way for my new staff to start learning things before we even were at our new campus together! I have heard the…
A New Chapter Begins…
There is no reward without some risk involved and nothing easy is ever worth having. I completely believe that. As you may have read in my recent posts, I took…
#YouMatter Day 2014
Yesterday we celebrated our annual #YouMatter Day! It’s a day I came up with to celebrate those around us and recognize staff and family at Fields Store Elementary for the…
Come work with me in @NavasotaISD
For those of you who don’t know, recently I accepted a position as Principal of Navasota Intermediate in Navasota, Texas! I couldn’t be more excited. Stepping out of the classroom…
The Day @SledSweeney13 & @ClassroomChamps Changed an Entire Campus
If you’ve been reading my blog for any amount of time you know that I am a Classroom Champions teacher. I couldn’t agree more with the mission of this organization…
Scores Are In
If you’ve read my blog for very long, hopefully you’ve been able to see how honest I try to be. I try to share my successes as well as my…
A must read: “Digital Leadership” by @NMHS_Principal
Back in July I remember meeting Eric Sheninger for the first time. I had followed him on Twitter for a while and really looked up to and respected him. I…
11 Twitter Accounts You’re Probably Not Following But Definitely Should
Since joining twitter I’ve become friends with or started learning from some incredible people. People like Brad Waid, Drew Minock, Erin Klein, Adam Bellow, Eric Sheninger, Angela Maiers, and soooo…
We Forget What We Don’t Always See
I’ve spent the last few days in New Orleans, Louisiana. Having never visited this city before I was very excited to check out the Audubon Zoo, Aquarium, the French Quarter,…
10 Must Have Google Chrome Extensions
While attending EdCamp Awesome a few weeks ago, I participated in a conversation about Chrome Extensions facilitated by Chris Evans. Chrome Extensions are little add ons to your Chrome Browser…