My Take on the 2014 #BammyAwards
As I sit next to my wife, on a plane 30,000 feet in the air, I’m still trying to full comprehend what happened this weekend. Best place to start I…
Breaking Down Walls
So this post may seem a little split brained, but I’m gonna try and bring it all together! Well, one of the things I mentioned when Navasota ISD was interviewing…
Meet @ofancyfrench, The Manager of Missing Smiles
This week I’d like to introduce you to someone who has played a huge role in my growth as an educator and as a person, Kathy French. I am so…
It’s Not Always Roses and Sunshine
One thing I’ve always wanted to do was portray a really honest perspective on this blog and on my career. As I’ve entered this new journey of being a Principal/Lead…
Meet @BradfordKevin66, the Commander of Comic Relief
Here is my second entry in my weekly foray of recognizing the amazing people that I get to work with every day. This week I waned to introduce you to…
The First Week of School
Well I did it! I made it through my first week of school as an administrator! And what a week it was! I think the biggest take-away for me was…
Meet: @TerryCGarrett, The Queen of Perspective
As I’ve been on my journey at Navasota Intermediate, one thing has been glaringly clear; I have the best team in the entire world. Period. One conscious thing I want…
Take the Time to Listen
As a classroom teacher, sometimes I didn’t feel like I was heard or even noticed by my administration on my campus. And it’s not that they weren’t a great administration…
Day 1 at @NavasotaInt is in the books!
We made it through our first day of school at Navasota Intermediate! Wow what an experience and thrill that was. Just like when I was a classroom teacher, I could…
Meet The Teacher at @NavasotaInt
Well the day finally arrived! Last night, we were FINALLY able to meet the students and families who would be a part of our group this year! To say it…
The Day @AngelaMaiers helped @NavasotaISD and @NavasotaInt, Be Brave
Before writing this post I really had to sit back and digest what took place yesterday. But first let me start with a little backstory. I was hired for my…
The @NavasotaISD Community Walk
This past Saturday, I got to take part in my first every community walk! Last year Navasota ISD did it for the first time, so this was their second year…