You’ve Got to Get Personal
At the core of each of us lies a universal desire: to feel seen, heard, and understood. Here is a simple yet effective way to acknowledge someone in a specific…
You Can’t Please Them All
Remember, it’s not your job to please everyone. Why? Because you can’t. Some people are just bitter and unhappy, some are selfish, and some only “like” you if you benefit…
We All Want to Feel Seen
There’s something profoundly powerful about truly seeing someone, about recognizing the worth they bring, even in the smallest details. Equally impactful is the moment when YOU feel seen, when someone…
Am I Good Enough?
I’m choosing to remind myself that I can use the pain to rise above. I can use the struggle to remind me of the work I AM putting in. I…
Rethinking the 50/50 Myth in Relationships
Often, we enter relationships with the belief that for things to work well, both parties need to meet halfway—each giving 50% to make the relationship whole. But is that really…
Behavior is a Language
Behavior is a language. Sometimes the way someone is behaving speaks far more than the words would.
Following My Own Advice
We all love to give advice. But how often do we find ourself following our own advice? It’s time we start.
3 Things We All Want
At our core there are three things we all want. We all want to feel seen, heard, and valued.
Expectation vs. Desire
When we find ourselves frustrated by someone’s behavior, have we made our expectations clear for them? Or were our desires going unspoken?
The Gift of Literacy
Literacy changes lives, and it doesn’t just change the life of the person who’s given the gift of literacy. It changes everyone they come in contact with.
Find the Gold
Everyone, without exception, has extraordinary qualities. If we fail to recognize these in someone, it’s not a reflection of their deficiency, but rather a missed opportunity on our part.
Embrace the Uncomfortable
Being uncomfortable. We all hate it. But it’s so necessary for us to grow.