Saying Goodbye. Enjoy Every Moment.
There was an image I saw once of an iceberg. It had the tagline of “90% of what is happening goes on, unseen, beneath the surface”. I have found that…
Dinner with a Gentleman #KidsDeserveIt
I almost have no words to express my emotions. Last night we held our very first “Dinner with a Gentleman” at Webb Elementary in Navasota, Texas. Now….let me back track…
Hope in Small Moments
Throughout my last few years of blogging, I’ve tried to show all sides of what we’re doing in education. The awesome, as well as the struggles. I choose to believe…
3 Ingredients Every Staff Meeting Should Have #KidsDeserveIt
I’ve been really cognoscente this year about changing up the way we’ve done staff meetings. You see we do a staff meeting once a month. And on a campus of…
It’s Only 30 Minutes #KidsDeserveIt
I’ve always said that I believe January and February to be some of the hardest months of the school year. It’s getting over that hump into the spring, testing is…
My Journey: Race, Economics, and White-Privilege #KidsDeserveIt
Inequality is something that has received more and more national attention lately. From economic injustices, to racial prejudice, and so much more. From shootings, to marches, to court cases. It’s…
A Game Changer: Teacher Meetings #KidsDeserveIt
So I’m in the middle of something that has already become a game changer for me (and hopefully my team too!) Coming back from the holiday break I really wanted…
My #OneWord2016: “Ours” #KidsDeserveIt
I’ve thought long and hard about my #OneWord that I wanted to focus on for this year (2016). I wanted a word that had several meanings to me. So after…
2015: The Best Year Yet! #KidsDeserveIt
So when reflecting on a year, there’s a lot that comes to mind. There’s accomplishments, failures, deepening of friendships, new friendships, those lost, new adventures, and so much more. It’s…
Adults Are Just Big Kids #KidsDeserveIt
I still remember the advice someone gave me…they said, “Now you’re dealing with adults. And you’re exceptional at handling children, so just remember, adults are just kids in bigger bodies.”…
Leaders Park in the Back #KidsDeserveIt
A good leader will always be a servant leader. That’s a belief that I was raised with and one I’ve tried, sometimes unsuccessfully, to live out. As a campus leader…
KDI Minds Collide #KidsDeserveIt
Kids Deserve It! Writing our last chapter! Sometimes things just fall into place. It doesn’t make sense all the time, but it always seems to happen at just the right…