Rise #KidsDeserveIt #RISE
Recently, I co-authored a blog post called “Loving Recklessly”. The post was our call to action. Our speaking out that we have a responsibility to love, and love recklessly. This…
When They Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid #KidsDeserveIt
This post was co-written with Brent Clarkson. You can read his blog here. “Connected Educator”. Two words that have changed both of our lives. Two words that truly define who…
Loving Recklessly – Hope Within Reach #KidsDeserveIt #LoveRecklessly
This post was co-written with Jeff Veal. You can check out his blog here. The Way It May Seem It seems these days that you can’t turn on the tv,…
10 Ways Teachers Can Support Principals #KidsDeserveIt
This post was co-written with Brandon Blom. You can find his blog here. Together we recently wrote a blog post called “Top 10 Tips for First Year Principals”. The post…
My #NAESP16 Experience
So, I’ve written and then deleted this post about 10 times now. For whatever reason I just haven’t been able to feel like I’m getting the wording right. So here…
Top 10 Tips for First Year Principals #KidsDeserveIt
This was post was co-written with Brandon Blom. You can find his blog here. The first year. We all remember it, and some of us remember it more fondly than…
My @Scholastic #ReadingSummit Experience
Last year I had the pleasure of attending my very first Scholastic Reading Summit in San Antonio, Texas. And I loved it! This year I had the honor of being…
Brick By Brick
Every one of us has walls built up in our lives. Some walls we build to keep others out. Some walls we build to make us feel protected…safe. There are…
When There’s No Closure #KidsDeserveIt
Wow, what an ending to a school year. But as my brother and mentor, Ben Gilpin always tells me, share your story and share it honestly. So here it is……
Pre-Order “Kids Deserve It!” NOW! #KidsDeserveIt
Who knew that less than a year ago this day would arrive. Just 11 months ago, we (Todd and Adam) connected at NAESP in Long Beach, California. Over breakfast and…
Switch Day at #WebbElem
A few years ago I worked under a principal who had us do a “Switch Day” one day. What is a Switch Day? Well we were given a teacher in…
The Book, #KidsDeserveIt, and @DonorsChoose
Well it’s official, my first book “Kids Deserve It!” will be released in a month or less!!! I am so stinking excited to have co-authored this book with my buddy…