When Doubt Creeps In #KidsDeserveIt
Something I wrote about in “Kids Deserve It!” is the feeling of doubt. The wondering if you’re good enough. Every one of us at one point or time doubts our…
The Pilot is the Last Off #KidsDeserveIt
I just returned from watching the movie “Sully” about the Miracle on the Hudson. For those of you unfamiliar with the events from several years ago….a plane was taking off…
The Light and the Dark #KidsDeserveIt
The metaphor of darkness and light has always been a powerful one for me. The whole idea that darkness seems all encompassing. Like it is suffocating. Like you can’t escape…
The Day the Pirate Surprised #WebbElem #KidsDeserveIt
Every chance I get, I talk about the power of social media. I tell people the value in getting connected, sharing your story, learning from and with others from around…
Jesus, Friend of Sinners #KidsDeserveIt
There have been a select few posts I’ve written over the years that have addressed my faith more blatantly than others. As an educator and blogger, I’ve tried to walk…
20 Songs to Use at School #KidsDeserveIt
Over the past few weeks I’ve been writing about songs with lyrics that have been challenging or inspiring me. I wrote a post called “Rise” about Katy Perry’s new song,…
Breathe #KidsDeserveIt
Music has always been a passion of mine. People are always surprised at how varied or eclectic my music tastes are. I listen to music, I study music, I research…
Rise #KidsDeserveIt #RISE
Recently, I co-authored a blog post called “Loving Recklessly”. The post was our call to action. Our speaking out that we have a responsibility to love, and love recklessly. This…
When They Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid #KidsDeserveIt
This post was co-written with Brent Clarkson. You can read his blog here. “Connected Educator”. Two words that have changed both of our lives. Two words that truly define who…
Loving Recklessly – Hope Within Reach #KidsDeserveIt #LoveRecklessly
This post was co-written with Jeff Veal. You can check out his blog here. The Way It May Seem It seems these days that you can’t turn on the tv,…
10 Ways Teachers Can Support Principals #KidsDeserveIt
This post was co-written with Brandon Blom. You can find his blog here. Together we recently wrote a blog post called “Top 10 Tips for First Year Principals”. The post…
My #NAESP16 Experience
So, I’ve written and then deleted this post about 10 times now. For whatever reason I just haven’t been able to feel like I’m getting the wording right. So here…