Read Me A Story #KidsDeserveIt
If you take just a minute to turn on the television or pull up a news article, you are bombarded with news and information. Much of which has become a…
We All Need Growth #KidsDeserveIt
Something we talk about quite often is growing. Growing as professionals and personally as well. Not one of us has reached that pinnacle of knowing everything. Though sometimes we all…
Self Negativity #KidsDeserveIt
I know that each of us has worked on a team or campus where people complain. Where people are negative. They don’t like a certain person and talk about it…
It’s Time to Speak Up #KidsDeserveIt
On Friday, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) released information on a new Texas Rating system. It’s a very simplified rating system that gives every school and district in Texas…
Fear #KidsDeserveIt
Fear. When you think about that word I think we all have something different we think of. Some have a fear of snakes or spiders. Others may fear the thought…
My #OneWord2017: Hope
Well we’re here, 2017. Every year brings the opportunities for goals, dreams, things you want to change, ways you want to improve. For a few years now I’ve seen the…
Connecting Across Borders #KidsDeserveIt
This post was co-written with the INCREDIBLE Roman Nowak. For years we’ve heard, or talked, about the power of being a connected educator. About how when you put yourself out…
7 MORE Educators Worth Following #KidsDeserveIt
About a week or so ago I wrote a blog post called “10 Educators Worth Following”. It took off like wild fire. My goal in writing that post was just…
Remembering My Why #KidsDeserveIt
If you were to ask someone what the job of an educator is in today’s world, I’m sure they would say something to the affect of “Their job is to…
The Forest For the Trees #KidsDeserveIt
I’m sure you’ve heard of that saying of “you can’t see the forest for the trees”. I have heard it before, but this week it was spoken to me by…
12 Educators Worth Following on Twitter #KidsDeserveIt
Every so often I love to use the platform I have to recognize other educators in our field. I have learned so much through tools like Twitter. But those tools…
Let’s Be Thankful #KidsDeserveIt
Thanksgiving. That time of the year when we take just a little more time to think of things we’re thankful for. As I was making a list of things I…