12 Educators Worth Following
Every so often I like to use my “platform” to introduce you to others I’m learning from on Social Media. People who inspire me, challenge my thinking, share great ideas,…
I’m Still Here #KidsDeserveIt
I love music. I have quite the library of music and a varied list of artists I love to listen to. My all time favorite lyricist has always been a…
Guided in Mentorship #KidsDeserveIt
This post is co-written with the incredible Joshua Stamper. You can follow him on Twitter HERE or check out his blog HERE. “A mentor empowers a person to…
10 Educators Worth Following This Summer #KidsDeserveIt
Summer is always a time for learning, connecting, and growing! Below are 10 people I’ve connected with recently who I feel like are GREAT educators to learn from, and might…
Scars #KidsDeserveIt
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” I have never understood the value in that simple statement. I have heard it my entire…
Counting Down #KidsDeserveIt
This post was co-written with Roman Nowak. On social media, so often we see posts of countdowns to the weekend, Christmas, Spring Break, summer; it is usually accompanied by elation and…
Speaking Louder Than Words #KidsDeserveIt
Over the past year or so I’ve really been thinking about the messages we send. Those things we do that speak louder than the words that are coming out of…
Blank Pages #KidsDeserveIt
“When we spill our emotions onto blank pages, we can see, through words, the problems that plague us. It is a unique way of healing” Travis Crowder Writing,…
Ask Me #KidsDeserveIt
The closer we get to Spring it seems like the shorter our fuses get and the more rambunctious and misbehaving our kids become. As a classroom teacher I loved having…
Destructive Reading & Writing #KidsDeserveIt
This post was co-written with Travis Crowder. You can follow him on Twitter HERE or his own blog HERE. We’ve all been there at one point or another….that moment where…
8 Educators Worth Following on Twitter #KidsDeserveIt
Every so often I love to write a post sharing with you some people on social media who have been inspiring me. I am connected with, and inspired by, so…
Look Down #KidsDeserveIt
This week has been a week of deep reflection for me. Every one of us goes through periods where we doubt our gifts, where we wonder if the place we…