The Power of Books #SparksInTheDark #TellYourStory
I believe in the power of a single book. That one story, or character, can empower/challenge/save a life. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. In 2016 I was…
Tattered Pages #TellYourStory
I have watched the power of a story change a life. I have seen a child become so engrossed in a book that they carry it everywhere with them…
5 Must Read Books (February) #SparksInTheDark
If there’s one thing I’ve learned more than anything else, it’s the power that lies within stories. Over the past year and a half I have consumed one book…
15 Empowering Songs to Use in the Classroom #KidsDeserveIt
I am a huge fan of music. If you’ve followed my blog for very long you may have seen me write posts reviewing music, posts that were completely inspired…
Enough Tears?
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, to depth of my core, about being in education, it’s how deeply we get connected to our students and how much of what…
The Story Behind Stories from Webb #KidsDeserveIt
When Adam Welcome and I wrote and released Kids Deserve It!, I thought that was it for me! I finally completed another item on my bucket list, I poured my…
Three Weeks
Three weeks ago today. That’s when it happened. That’s when years worth of personal work was erased, the slate was essentially wiped clean, and I had to begin again. Three…
Saving All of Them #KidsDeserveIt
As educators we give our all for our students. They become like our own children with whom our hearts break alongside of, we laugh and eat together, we give up…
We Show Up
Being in education is hard. It’s physically, emotionally, and yes even spiritually draining. Being an educator is more than just showing up at work to do a job. Every one…
5 Ways to Uplift & Empower Your Team
This post was co-written with Steven Lamkin. You can follow him on Twitter or check out his blog. Schools across the country have either already begun or are gearing up…
Get a #KidsDeserveIt Shirt; Support Hurricane Harvey Schools
As you may or may not know, every month we sell #KidsDeserveIt t-shirts. We donate 100% of the proceeds to Donors Choose projects. Thanks to the generous purchases of so…
When Adults Don’t Read, Kids Lose #KidsDeserveIt
This post was co-written with Jennifer LaGarde. You can check out her blog HERE. Helping students create and grow authentic reading lives, is one of our most important jobs as…