Overcoming Fear & Anxiety
Fear and anxiety are two things that can quickly derail even the most organized and secure people. They can strip us of our confidence and stop us from achieving all…
Using Your Space
I try really hard to not only focus on building up the culture between staff, students, and parents, but also focusing on the PHYSICAL space as well!! It’s so important…
A Few of My Favorite Things
Often times in conversation I get asked where I got my shirt, or what food service do I love, or where did I find a particular scent. So I decided…
2018: The Unmaking
Hey friends, it’s been a while. At the end of every year I write a blog post reflecting on the year that’s just come to a close….and boy was 2018…
Advancing Your Learning #KidsDeserveIt
As educators I truly believe that we should always be growing. I’ve always found it funny that we’re one of the few professions, that when we graduate college, we think…
Why We Teach #KidsDeserveIt
Why do you teach? Why did you want to work in education? Those are two questions that are paramount to the work that we do with kids. Hopefully your…
Iceberg Moments #KidsDeserveIt
We’ve all seen or heard the iceberg analogy. That idea that you only see about 10% of what is actually happening in someone’s life, while the other 90% happens beneath…
Creating a Lego Wall #KidsDeserveIt
About a month ago I shared this photo of our lego wall we finished… Well needless to say, it went a little viral and I’ve been meaning to blog about…
10 Must Read Books (June/July) #SparksInTheDark
So I slacked off a little with my “Must Read” posts this summer so this one is a two-fer. Here are TEN books I read this summer that I…
Ashes #TellYourStory
2018 has been quite the whirlwind of a year, and it’s only June. The image of ashes keeps coming to mind. That image of something being in existence and…
Win FREE Books! #SparksInTheDark #KidsDeserveIt & #StoriesFromWebb!
It’s summer! For so many educators that is finally their chance to catch up on great professional development books. But sometimes it always isn’t in our budgets to get…
5 Must Read Books (May) #SparksInTheDark
I started this “series” of posts back in February, and then my life got flipped upside down and I haven’t posted since then. So, it’s back! My plan is…