Failure, Evaluation, Starting Over and Saying ‘I’m Sorry’

Failure, Evaluation, Starting Over and Saying ‘I’m Sorry’

image courtesy of Wow.  What a week this last week was. We took our first content exam this past week.  It covered quite a bit of standards, but I felt relatively sure my students were ready for it.  Now keep in mind, for the first time in my career, I spent the entire first…

Join the #ARevolution: A Series of Learning Posts

Join the #ARevolution: A Series of Learning Posts

Picture source: Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that has been around for decades but is just now filtering into the educational world. AR and its uses in education have become an extremely popular topic lately with articles on various respected educational websites.   Drew Minock (@TechMinock) and I (@TechNinjaTodd) believe it is exciting…

Join Me at the Reform Symposium #RSCON4

Join Me at the Reform Symposium #RSCON4

I’m excited to be a part of RSCON this year!  I will actually be presenting three sessions: On Sunday October 13th at 9:00am CST I will be presenting “Connecting YOU and Your Classroom Globally”.  Building connections is important.  This session will cover how YOU can become a connected educator via social platforms like twitter, but…

My PLN Saved My Career

My PLN Saved My Career Teaching has always been something I’ve wanted to do since I was 8 years old.  I always knew I was going to be a teacher when I grew up.  I started teaching about 7 years ago.  I came in wide-eyed, full of ideas, and overflowing with positivity that I was going to change every…

“I Am a Champion and You’re Gonna Hear Me Roar”

“I Am a Champion and You’re Gonna Hear Me Roar”

Been wanting to blog about this for a little over a week now, and the inspiration just hit me today so here goes. image courtesy of One of my best friends, and someone I consider my brother, Brad Waid (@TechBradWaid) recently wrote a blog post called “Tired or Inspired” where he went through and…

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