Why I Will Never Quit

Why I Will Never Quit

This blog post has been rummaging around in my brain for a while.  I guess the best way to start this post is how it came to be… For a while now I’ve seen educators share blog posts written by other teachers saying things such as “I had to leave the classroom because….”, or “I…

The 2014 EduBlog Awards

The 2014 EduBlog Awards

Every year the EduBlog Awards come along.  They recognize different aspects of the online community of education.  If you haven’t heard of them or seen some of the awesome things they recognize please go check them out! I was a little shocked, but totally humbled to see “The Summer Learning Series (#SummerLS)” That I did…

1,000 Times

1,000 Times

Music is another passion of mine.  At one point in my life I even thought about becoming a radio DJ, haha!  While driving in the car yesterday I heard a song that had a line that really stuck out to me.  The verse said “I don’t mind, I would still come back 1,000 times.  Push…

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