Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

You know that feeling when everything feels safe, calm, and familiar? That’s your comfort zone. It’s where you know what to expect, where everything is routine, and where, honestly, it’s just… easy. But I want to challenge you with something: growth doesn’t happen in that space. You don’t learn new things, you don’t stretch yourself, and you definitely don’t discover what you’re truly capable of by staying where it’s comfortable.

I’ve seen it time and again, whether in my own life or with students and educators I’ve worked with—true transformation happens when you take a step into the unknown. It’s not about being fearless; it’s about recognizing that discomfort is a part of growth. Will it be hard? Yep. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.

Think about the times in your life when you’ve felt the most proud of yourself. I’m willing to bet those moments didn’t come from playing it safe. They came when you pushed yourself to do something new, when you took a risk, or when you faced a challenge head-on.

So I’m taking this advice myself. Something I’ve been wanting to do, but have been too afraid to take the leap….is author visits!

You see, I wrote and published this children’s book called “Spruce and Lucy” years ago and am so stinking proud of it.

Over the last few years people have reached out asking me if I’d be interested and coming and doing an author visit with their students. But I always said no. Why? Fear.

I didn’t know how to do an author visit. What if the kids found it boring? What if in trying this new speaking outlet, I failed? What if no one really liked my book? All those insane fears we convince ourselves of.

But I know we don’t grow if we don’t do things that make us uncomfortable. So this week, when another school reached out asking if I do author visits and talks to kids, I took a leap and said “Yes”.

So early November I’ll be doing my first ever author visit over “Spruce and Lucy”. I’ll be speaking 3 times throughout the day to every kid on campus. I am terrified to say the least. Crazy right considering I spoke to kids daily as a teacher?

But I’m going to do it. I’m going to get uncomfortable, and I’ll let you know how it goes!

So, what’s waiting for you outside your comfort zone? More than you could ever imagine. Take that first step, trust the process, and remember: the greatest growth happens when we’re willing to lean into the unknown.

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