You Can’t Please Them All

I’ve always been a people pleaser to my core. It’s ingrained so deeply in me that I’ve even been working on it in therapy!

I hate knowing someone is upset with me. I feel a pit in my stomach when I let someone down, make a mistake, or could have done better. The cycle of disappointment and self-criticism seems endless.

Working in education has only amplified my people-pleasing tendencies. I wanted my students to be happy and engaged, their parents to be thrilled with my efforts, my co-workers to appreciate my contributions, my team to enjoy collaborating with me, and leadership to be proud of having me on board.

This pattern extended to every job I’ve ever had.

My therapist often reminds me of where I seek my value. When you rely on others to give you worth, you’ll always be searching and never truly satisfied.

I must accept that some people will never be happy with my decisions, that some will only see my gifts when it benefits them, and that I will make mistakes. Even as I strive to become a better version of myself, I will fail repeatedly.

But here’s the truth: I won’t give up. I won’t stop trying.

Why? Because I am enough.

More importantly, the person you meet today won’t be the same person you meet tomorrow. I am learning, growing, and changing.

Instead of trying to please the myriad of voices coming at me from all sides, I will focus inward. I will find my worth within and turn to my faith for reminders when I forget.

I hope you do the same today. Remember, it’s not your job to please everyone. Why? Because you can’t. Some people are just bitter and unhappy, some are selfish, and some only “like” you if you benefit them.

That’s just how life is.

But remember, you are enough. Focus on becoming the best version of yourself, and you’ll watch as even greater and more amazing things unfold.

You are enough.

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